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Walmart / Increase Sales / Start-ups / Außendienst-Mitarbeitern / billwerk
Worth reading:

Increase Sales by Providing the Right Sales Resources



Increase sales by providing the right sales resources to the sales rep at the right time and in the right format throughout the sales funnel.

Es geht um Folgendes:

“In short, there are two ways to increase sales:

1Drive more opportunity through the sales funnel

2 Focus on sales conversion of the existing opportunity in the sales funnel

Of course, this is all predicated on the assumption that an effective demand generation and demand management plan have been designed, developed and executed.  But if there is not a clear focus on:

  1. Who is being targeted ( specific companies and targets),
  2. Clear and consistent communication of a compelling unique selling proposition,
  3. The development of meaning and relevant offers or
  4. Efficient and effective lead follow-up (marketing automation and sales force automation software)”

— Read on


Auch interessant: Masterplan, Konsequenz und Kultur – Bestandteile des Erfolgsprinzips von Amazon


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