Amazon Bezos
Worth reading:

Warum ist Amazon so erfolgreich? eine ausführliche Analyse über Jeff Bezos‘ Masterplan



Ich las das Portrait in einer Cicero-Ausgabe auf deutsch und dachte, ob es den Artikel auch im Original gibt.

Ja, er ist für die Zeitschrift The Atlantic (Ca. 15-20 Min. Lesezeit) geschrieben worden. Die Original-Version ist noch präziser, weil für die Cicero-Ausgabe etwas abgespeckt wurde..

Absolut lesenswert, das ist eine Charakter-Porträt, welches schon mit der Absolventen-Abschlussrede von Bezos aufzeigt, wie groß er gedacht hat.

Es macht keinen Sinn, den Artikel zusammenzufassen, sondern höchstens ein paar Zitate auszugsweise hier abzubilden. Z.B.

„Today, Bezos controls nearly 40 percent of all e-commerce in the United States. More product searches are conducted on Amazon than on Google, which has allowed Bezos to build an advertising business as valuable as the entirety of IBM.“

„To the U.S. president, he is a nemesis. To many Americans, he is a beneficent wizard of convenience and abundance. „

„Bezos’s ventures are by now so large and varied that it is difficult to truly comprehend the nature of his empire, much less the end point of his ambitions. What exactly does Jeff Bezos want?“

„Before bezos settled on, he toyed with naming his unlaunched store He entertained using the phrase because he couldn’t contain a long-standing enthusiasm. The rejected moniker was a favored utterance of a man Bezos idolizes: the captain of the starship USS Enterprise-D, Jean-Luc Picard.“

„When reporters tracked down Bezos’s high-school girlfriend, she said, “The reason he’s earning so much money is to get to outer space.” This assessment hardly required a leap of imagination. As the valedictorian of Miami Palmetto Senior High School’s class of 1982, Bezos used his graduation speech to unfurl his vision for humanity. He dreamed aloud of the day when millions of his fellow earthlings would relocate to colonies in space. „

„What makes Amazon so fearsome to its critics isn’t purely its size but its trajectory. Amazon’s cache of knowledge gives it the capacity to build its own winning version of an astonishing array of businesses. „

„In 2002, Amazon distilled Bezos’s sensibility into a set of Leadership Principles, a collection of maxims including “Invent and Simplify,” “Bias for Action,” and “Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit.” To an outside ear, these sound too hokey to be the basis for fervent belief. But Amazonians, as employees call themselves, swear by them. The principles, now 14 in number, are the subject of questions asked in job interviews; they are taught in orientations; they are the qualities on which employees are judged in performance reviews. Of all the principles, perhaps the most sacrosanct is “Customer Obsession”“

Mehr Infos findet der geneigte Leser auch hier, im Bereich von, wo der klassische Besteller eher selten vorbeikommt.

Das sind nur ein paar Highlights des Artikels. Es ist sicher besser, den ganzen Artikel, in Ruhe, zu lesen.

Eine weitere Empfehlung zur Lektüre ist der Bericht über David Marquet und sein Buch „Turn the Ship around“.



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