eCommerce vendor comparsion

We compare eCommerce vendors for you at this point. We strongly orient ourselves on the German eCommerce Landscape, which we published in September 2020. This will give you a good initial overview of the diverse current German-language landscape.

To see the eCommerce landscape in full size, click here.

Based on some selected criteria you can sort according to your requirements. The selection of criteria varies from time to time.

All information in the table has been verified by the providers. To get more information about the providers, continue reading below or click on the provider in the table..

The eCommerce vendor comparison

Anbieter eCommerce ToolFokus auf B2B oder B2COpen Source oder Proprietäre LösungDirekte Integration mit CRM-SystemenDirekte Integration mit E-Mail-Marketing-SystemenApp-Store vorhandenWo liegt die CloudAuch als Marktplatz/ Handelsplattform zu nutzenBestellfunktion für den Kunden auch über eine App
OptimizelyBeidesPOSKunde kann entscheiden
webadorB2CPOSin EU
nopCommerceB2BOpen Sourcekeine Cloud
ecoplanBeidesOpen Sourcein DE
Sana CommerceB2B und B2CPOSKunde kann entscheiden
OroCommerceB2BOpen SourceKunde kann entscheiden
itmXB2BPOSBasiert auf den Anwendungsfall des Kunden
plentymarketsB2COS = plentySHOP
POS = plentymarkets

To other vendor comparisons:

vendor comparison

Marketing Automation vendor comparison

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News matching the eCommerce vendor comparison

Comparison of Providers

General information on address/data quality

Intro, why is this topic relevant, why is it strategically so important? For all companies seeking direct contact with their customers, the customer database is

Comparison of Providers

General information on ERP/CRM

Are there providers that offer ERP and CRM systems from a single source? ERP CRM software: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) usually face a particular

Comparison of Providers

General information on eCommerce

eCommerce, a second pillar alongside the point of sale! COVID has made eCommerce and online marketing even more important. Whether in the business-to-business or business-to-consumer

You would like to present your software at CRM-TECH.WORLD?

More information on the individual providers:







Sana Commerce


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