HubPost: Yesterday, the headline of a press release from Deutsche Post was: “Deutsche Post and HubSpot cooperate on print mailings”.
HubSpot offers a platform for marketing, sales and customer service, based on a free CRM system. The provider can be found in our German CRM Landscape and our German Marketing Automation Landscape.
With HubPost, users of HubSpot’s marketing automation have the option of having print mailings sent automatically. The solution for HubSpot was developed by the digital agency mediaworx as a partner of Deutsche Post.
This development shows a further interlocking of online and offline.
The press release continues: “As customer projects and studies show, companies benefit from the integration of postal mailings into marketing automation in several ways: On the one hand, automated, individual and personalized print mailings can significantly increase the conversion rate (CVR). And on the other hand, the financial and personnel costs can be reduced enormously compared to classic production and shipping processes.”
In recent weeks, we have seen a renaissance of print mailings again.
The prophecies of doom “Print is dead” were once again premature, because the digital mailbox is completely clogged. Therefore, a print mailing works much better and the discussion about the higher costs is unfortunately often too one-sided.
The digital channels are often much cheaper on the basis of costs per contact. However, if you calculate the real costs per reaction or costs per order or costs per new customer, then the comparison looks different.
With the concept presented above, you can combine the best of both worlds. That’s what makes the solution so appealing. SugarCRM also has a solution through its partner Insignio in which Deutsche Post’s mailing factory is integrated.
Therefore, we are sure that this type of solution will increase more and more. On the one hand in the interest of companies that operate good customer relationship management, on the other hand because of Deutsche Post. Of course, she is also very interested in ensuring that the print channel works well. And he does.
Another tip:
Our guest author Andreas Kneiphoff also deals with the topic of online and offline advertising in the latest article “Listbroking of personal addresses and company addresses – quo vadis?”. He also answers the question of whether offline advertising to private individuals or contact persons in companies is not old-fashioned with a clear “no”.
What is an adapted film title: Dead lives longer. That’s the way it is here. Multi-channel needs print and online. This is how the most beautiful communication concert sounds.
Here you will find everything about CRM and CRM software.
Image: Pixabay
Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.