Worth reading:

Update: ChiefMarTech Salary Report Provides Insight into U.S. MarTech Compensation



The salary report on the typical positions in the MarTech or CRM area provides interesting insights.

On the basis of almost 900 responses, special roles were selected that were relevant for this consideration. These 432 participants are used to explain the status quo and developments.

Scott Brinker continues:

“For our analysis, we filtered it down to only the n=432 who explicitly identified their role as marketing technology, marketing operations, or a combination of the two (the most common occurence).

Let’s start with the good news. Marketing technology and operations careers are thriving across the entire professional spectrum:

Marketing ops & tech roles exist …

  • at organizations of all sizes, from companies with less than 100 employees to those with more than 10,000. Participants in our survey were pretty evenly distributed across the entire range: 43% in firms over 1,000 employees; 57% in firms under 1,000.
  • in both B2B and B2C. 49% of our participants were from B2B, 16% from B2C, and 35% from companies that do both B2B and B2C marketing.
  • at all levels of the marketing organization, from staff and manager roles up to VP and senior VP. In our survey, 41.3% of all participants were director level or above.”

Other questions were:

  1. How many years of experience does the person have?
  2. When was the last promotion?
  3. What is the current salary? The report logically shows the average.
  4. What degree does the respondent have?
  5. What responsibilities does the participant have to bear?
  6. How do the salaries of men and women differ?

The results on the above further questions, read here or after downloading the report.

C-level aspects

  1. MarTech personnel are specialists.
  2. Is there a job description for this, which can then lead to a salary classification?
  3. Where to recruit such specialists?
  4. How and where can people who have some, but not all, necessary skills be trained as specialists?
  5. What organizational changes will a company face as a result of these challenges? See also Stackie Award ORG edition of my Boston trip in October 2017.

— Read on


Also interesting: Survey on the Salary Report 2019 Martech Professions

If you are looking for Consultant CRM salary level, you will find these clues or this one.

It is exciting to compare the salaries of different positions in the USA:

Here are the statistics on Statista.


Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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