CRM-Software Auswahl
Worth reading:

Neutral and successful MarTech and CRM software selection: with 35 criteria out of over 150 criteria



35 criteria for neutral successful CRM software selection. With the experience of many CRM selection projects in recent years, we are able to provide you with the most important selection criteria. The following overview with a selection of 35 criteria should help you to get a first overview of your CRM software requirements.

We have divided the 35 criteria into 11 categories. Each company must check for itself which criteria it uses for evaluation and assessment. One thing in particular is important: The criteria should enable or serve comparability. In most cases, the big, loud providers – we call them the usual suspects – are not the best providers.

35 Kriterien für die CRM-Software-Auswahl
35 Kriterien zur CRM-Software-Auswahl, 1A Relations GmbH


Area of application:

Many software vendors claim their software can be used by both a small and a large company. Therefore also offers are published, which starting from license number 1. Nevertheless these offerers are only interested in offering this license as low entrance hurdle (entrance drug) free of charge or favorably.

Nevertheless, one can assign the providers – as with our Landscape – to certain user number sizes. Or the range of functions is designed more for B2B (BtB) or more for B2C (BtC). With such a focus, different providers also show their specialization. Not everyone can do everything, even though this is often claimed. That’s why I prefer providers who clearly state that this is our focus. That’s it.

Unfortunately, the criterion is more complex. Just because companies work in the same industry doesn’t mean that their culture and processes are comparable. There are examples like Danone and Nestlé. Both had the same vendor, yet the CEO told me that both installations are completely different.

Therefore, be careful: Industry templates can make it easier to get started. But a company does not create a USP for itself. Because every idea that was developed for his company is 2-3 months later also at the competition. Yes, this saves costs. Whether this contributes to differentiation and unique position is questionable.

35 criteria for neutral successful CRM software selection
Address management, address quality and data quality:

Our favorite topic. If someone asks us: What is the most important thing to pay attention to? Then it’s address and data quality. Read more in our ePaper.

It starts with the data model. “Simple” or “complex” means, for example, how adaptable is the data and address model. How can the company map its relationships? What chaining and networking is possible? An example: An association has companies as members. The company nominates management members for committee work. Thus, the managing director of a company – let’s call her Frieda Müller – must be stored in the software with the position “Managing Director”. Then she is the chairwoman of the “Work and Health Research” committee in the association. And she is a lecturer at the association’s own continuing education center.

Also important was the networking of the Group companies. Which are wholly owned subsidiaries, and which are only investments? How do you consolidate these companies for special reporting?

We illustrated a second example with a food manufacturer. The food manufacturer’s customers are large retailers such as Aldi, Lidl, Rewe or Edeka. Now it’s about mapping a decision-making body per product group (cereal bars, buttermilk, yogurt …). In addition, it was important to map the decentralized warehouses. Which warehouse is stored for delivery or collection, and how in the CRM?

And the topic of duplicate recognition and duplicate processing is important to us. Here, software products can be extremely helpful or very time-consuming and nerve-wracking. We always take a very close look at this.

Creating your own fields is usually not a problem today. The only important thing is how convenient it is to create them and integrate them into the data model. We routinely ask ourselves whether the field is release- or update-safe.

Next week we will continue on the topic of 35 criteria for neutral successful CRM software selection here.

If you need further selection criteria – feel free to contact us, our list now includes over 150 individual criteria.

Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete or 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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