Worth reading:

SuiteCRM challenges Salesforce with Suite:OnDemand




It’s already a strong announcement:

SuiteCRM is now offering its SaaS solution with a new billing model. The company has made a conscious decision not to charge per user and to offer hosting packages, regardless of the number of users.

For customers who would still like to use SuiteCRM as an on-premise solution, everything remains the same – the open source software is available free of charge.

But today we would like to take a brief closer look at the declaration of war against Salesforce and Co. What do the hosting packages look like and what makes them attractive for companies?

There are 3 different hosting packages offered for Suite:OnDemand:

In principle, any number of users can work with each package, but there are recommendations for different user volumes. Further, on the part of SalesAgility, the operators of SuiteCRM, it is emphasized that there is no increase in the cost of accessing advanced features. That is, in every single one of these hosting plans, the software’s well-known extensive functionalities are 100% identical.

The hosting packages primarily differ in terms of differently available speeds, storage space, support scope, back-up rhythm and training options.

What else stands out? SalesAgility speaks of an enormously high level of flexibility – data from the SaaS solution can be easily migrated to the on-premise or private cloud. Or even into a hybrid cloud. It should also be possible to easily request copies of the database and application.

SalesAgility’s support for Suite:OnDemand promises first-class hosting, data security, DSGVO compliance and dedicated support from SuiteCRM experts.

We are very excited to see how the market reacts to this battle cry. We will stay on the ball for you!

Read SalesAgility’s press release here.


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Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete or 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.



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