Worth reading:

Still a problem: Many silos, little strategy!



Current survey on the topic “Digitization in the company

A recently published study* by Brain Consulting comes to the following conclusions:

  • More than every second marketing decision-maker does not consider his company sufficiently equipped for the digital transformation of marketing
  • 46 percent describe the lack of communication between the teams (silo thinking) as a transformation barrier
  • Further hurdles: Insufficient alignment of IT systems and the lack of a cross-divisional vision

Click here for the official press release of this study.

And here is another article worth reading on the topic: Successful digitization requires customer orientation

* Method of the study:

The Marketing Decision-Maker Radar 2019 (MER 2019) surveyed 100 marketing and media decision-makers as well as division managers in ten advertising-relevant industries (automotive, energy & environment, retail, FMCG, finance & insurance, IT, mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals & chemicals, telecommunications, public sector) throughout Germany on the degree of digitization in their companies.

Picture source: pixabay


Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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