Worth reading:

Complete retread and digitization cure



Today’s focus is …

SuperOffice, which has been on the CRM software market for a long time, has given its SuperOffice CRM a “digitalization cure” in recent years. And that’s why we took another closer look at the highly acclaimed CRM champion (e.g. in terms of usability) of the 2000s.

SuperOffice is a classic CRM B2B product. The new Generation 9 has been on the market since June 2020. And what the Norwegians are particularly proud of: It is a fully-fledged cloud product. All functions are available in the cloud. Compared to some other European market competitors, there is no longer a desktop version. The web version has the full range of functions – without any restrictions.

You can feel that the solution is a complete in-house development.

Why? SuperOffice has gone through a complete transformation process itself in the last few years and the questions of what can be digitized. With all the experiences and pains, as we are told with a broad smile. And you can see and feel that. This in turn now puts SuperOffice in the fortunate position of being able to accompany and advise customers on their way to more digital processes and use of digital tools.

In essence, SuperOffice offers “The perfect collaboration for marketing, sales and service to build and expand sustainable customer relationships.”

In addition, users can already find around 100 apps in the SuperOffice App Store. And thanks to Zapier, an additional 2,000 apps can be easily connected – some of them even bidirectionally.

What did we look at in detail?

Use Case number 1: the most time consuming classic of address and data creation.

SuperOffice first showed us the creation via forms. The form used was also created immediately with SuperOffice.

Secondly, SuperOffice demonstrated the integration with Google. While entering the company or contact name, the system pulls data directly from Google search and adds it to the system. The third option starts in the Customer Engagement Center.



The “Customer Engagement Platform” (CEP) is not a classic intranet within an organization or for employees, but rather an area for customers where information such as FAQs or the status of a service ticket can be accessed. Integrated forms can be used to submit inquiries or service tickets. In addition, collaboration tools between companies and customers can be connected in the CEP. Of course, customer data can also be updated in CEP. However, this is not so much for active data qualification (cf. Google, Echobot, Outlook).

Variant number 4 starts directly from Outlook to create the address and generate tasks and notes from it. This also works with Gmail.

All data acquisition and collection goes through a quality assurance process. Thus, everything is DSGVO compliant.

Echobot adds the important, still missing data automatically!

What has already excited us in advance in an explanatory video, now comes to the turn. With Echobot, the “raw”, still incomplete account is then completed. For example, the “Commercial Register” tab shows the legal relationship, social media posts > rather social media activities (is someone active on Xing or LinkedIn) are displayed for the company and of course a lead reminder is created.

Digression: loyal readers know, leads are created quickly. But studies in the USA and Europe unfortunately confirm again and again that leads often lie fallow for up to 4 weeks. And this is avoided by such simple “hints”.

How does the collaboration with Echobot go?

One needs the appropriate Echobot license and pays within the scope of this contract and uses the associated possibilities. So the contract is made directly with Echobot. But this year, customers can enjoy the Echobot app in the SuperOffice App Store.

Interim Conclusion:

At SuperOffice, a couple of UX experts looked over users’ shoulders and came up with some great thoughts.

Use case number 2: The lead and quote process.

Very easily and intuitively, new sales opportunities can be divided into different lead phases from within the system using a guide. Throughout the lead and quotation process, all article and parts lists, price lists for services are 100% available.

A simple quotation configurator is available as a SuperOffice proprietary solution. For even more complex solution, a SuperOffice partner offers an extension of the possibilities, which is available in the app store.

SuperOffice AppStore

Suitable interfaces are available for all major ERP manufacturers.

For the successful execution of the sales process, all participants of the buying center can be created. And of course, depending on the contract with Echobot or other data service providers, additional data can be added. Whether this data is used to evaluate the lead or for more individual argumentation is up to the user or the team.

The interface to DATEV products, which are important for law firms and companies, is particularly noteworthy. From SuperOffice, documents can be played directly into Unternehmen-Online of DATEV. SuperOffice is thus also listed on the DATEV marketplace.

Another highlight of the 1-hour presentation was GetAccept.

GetAccept is a real-time tracking of all offers. This tool facilitates customer communication. You can see exactly what the prospect or recipient of the information or offer is doing with the documents.

And if the business partner has the time and inclination, he or she can be immediately included in a chat and questions can be answered.

And best of all: the salesperson can also package or present his offer as a small video. We, 1A Relations GmbH, have also discovered this form of presentation for ourselves and have used it successfully. Only in the case of SuperOffice, this feature is directly integrated into the system. This makes things easier, faster. Very good!

Who is SuperOffice CRM software suitable for?

The target groups to date have been SMEs and companies up to the larger midmarket. This term is of course elastic. SuperOffice can therefore also be larger than medium-sized businesses. Scaling is easily feasible due to today’s performance in the cloud. SuperOffice feels particularly comfortable with 25 to 500 users. We did not see a restriction to a specific industry.

Who are references?

An excerpt of the cross-industry references can be found here

The assessment in detail

Surface / Look&Feel / Usability

SuperOffice has been known for this for a long time: The entire interface is always well organized, just as SuperOffice has always been known for. The interface and outline makes it easy to learn, even for new employees.

By moving the window bars, each window is dynamically adjusted. This way, each employee can set his own “room layout”.

Benefit / added value for users

The complete applications, including integrations, are integrated in the system in such a way that they can be used from one interface. You never have to leave SuperOffice. And that is an important advantage.

What we also liked very much is the video as a comment on the offer via GetAccept. A video complements the documents sent, which are rather sober for the most part, and adds a personal touch to the offer.

The notes on the sent documents – whether the recipient has clicked or not yet clicked – show that the SuperOffice solution is very well thought out. With the chat function in the quotation module, one is quickly able to clarify initial questions or pick up feedback. The chat started by a colleague can be transferred to any other employee and continued.

The stages of the sales process can be defined variably, as is the case with good market companions. The buying center can be neatly mapped and qualified per lead process. This is also not always a matter of course.

Campaign Management

One can create campaigns directly from SuperOffice, supported by its own configurator. Of course, this full integration is also a huge advantage. The user can also see who has clicked on what or who has not clicked on at certain points.

But if clicked, this click leads to a next step within the campaign: e.g. the automatic creation of a task, the creation of a new field with the interests or immediate answers (autoresponder) follow from it.

A comparison with other providers shows: SuperOffice usually has the better interface with third-party providers. There is always a lot of attention to detail and intelligence invested for the best way. The goal: as few clicks as possible. And that is achieved.

What about the connection of more complex marketing automation systems?

Yes, this is possible. With Zapier, the SuperOffice user can connect various systems. However, the company’s own roadmap already includes expanded functionalities of its own solution for 2021.

Today, the implementation of holistic marketing automation is possible through the connection of eMarketeer.

Generelle Schnittstelle gibt es z.B. zu:

  • Google suggestions during new creation and search
  • Zapier, Echobot, GetAccept and other apps in the App-Store, especially to Microsoft NAV, etc..
  • Easy installation of apps à one-click principle with video and templates.
  • Apps should be as easy as possible to explain and install. 3-4 clicks should be sufficient.
  • Interfaces to all common ERP systems

What other great things we noticed.         

We wrote earlier about the addition of Echobot. SuperOffice offers the real-time calculation of a score value based on the input and enriched values. After a brief introduction to the workflow engine, the key user can input the formula for the calculation themselves.

The publicly available data is accessed via Echobot or other apps. This creates the data that is missing in the CRM. Email, phone no. or mobile no., position and name.


Further development opportunities

In addition to the SuperOffice apps, each customer can have (their) own Customed App created.

Comprehensibility/ sales tips, guidance, help for the user:

As already mentioned in the usability section, everything is kept extremely clear and simple. The user gets tips at every point, if he needs them at all.

  • If the journey process is interrupted at one point, you can resume the dialog at this point with partial automation and try to complete it.
  • The marketing tool can be used to find out if someone has not done something. At this point, the campaign can be restarted or continued with further ideas.

Our conclusion – The benefit:

SuperOffice is a mature tool. Definitely for SMEs that already have some CRM experience or are keen on well thought-out process support. SMEs that have an experienced key user should also enjoy SuperOffice.

The digitization of processes is very well thought out and above all, always one step ahead. It is fun to work with SuperOffice.

There is a lot of attention to detail and intelligence for the processes and use cases in it. These little things make it. However, you often only notice this when you take a closer look.

The interface is kept simple for the user, a very good tool for digital support of CRM processes. The automation of processes and campaigns works smoothly.

So the user should have a lot of fun working with SuperOffice. We certainly enjoyed it.



Full Office integration beyond the Microsoft Office integration already in place today is planned by early 2021. Further marketing automation functions within the company’s own solution will also be added in 2021.

In SuperOffice, partial automation is possible today as standard (via monitored links and selections). From 2021, nurturing and campaign processes will be fully automated and possible via various channels.

In addition to marketing automation, other topics are in the starting blocks for 2021:

  • Hugo AI: In Step 1, added value is created for customer service through the connection and use of artificial intelligence, such as voice recognition or sentiment analysis. The AI/CI area will be gradually expanded and “smarter”.
  • Customer Engagement Platform: SuperOffice customers can use the Customer Engagement Platform to provide their customers with communication channels to ease the burden on customer service and to engage customers in product feedback and product development. The Customer Engagement Platform can also be used to store FAQ and place customer questions in customer service (automatic ticket system in SuperOffice).
  • Integration of web conference tools


Also interesting: Superoffice und infobridge


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