Dirk Gehlen describes wonderfully how little rethinking and customer orientation takes place on public radio or television. For years (in May 2018 when he wrote the article – until today, 19.05.2020) the Football Bundesliga Final Conference has been taking place on the radio.
On Wikipedia you can find the following entry.
“The ARD Bundesliga Conference always runs at the end of the two halves and is broadcast in the programs WDR 2 (in the broadcast: “Liga Live”), Bayern 1 (Heute im Stadion), Bremen Eins (Die Fußball-Bundesliga), hr1 (Arena), hr-info, MDR info (Fußball-Bundesliga), MDR Jump*, MDR 1 Radio Sachsen, MDR Sachsen-Anhalt*, MDR Thüringen*, NDR 2 (Die NDR 2 Bundesligashow), NDR 1 Welle Nord, Inforadio (Sport am Sonnabend), radioeins, SR 3 Saarlandwelle (Sport und Musik), SWR1 (Stadion) and occasionally Bremen Vier, hr3 and SR 1 Europawelle. (*: only the final conference)
On Saturdays, the so-called half-time conference on all channels begins punctually at 4:08 p.m., the so-called final conference at 4:55 p.m.”
Since 1952 there has been a conference call on the radio for selected games, since 1963 for all Bundesliga games
He doesn’t hit the plaster right away, but he could do it. Because how long has it been around – the Bundesliga final conference. Since 1952! Of course, because it has been around for so long, the inclined reader argues, it is established and good.
But Dirk van Gehlen is right: Can you do good things better? You can’t please everyone. But he wants to listen to his favorite club on the radio for 90 minutes. And not only the last 20 minutes, from 16:55. In addition to cleaning, next to drinking coffee, next to whatever.
Gehlen calls for this CIP, the continuous improvement process. It is performed again and again by Amazon Music and others. Only the public broadcasters watch like the rabbit in front of the snake. You can do one (the new) without leaving the other. This is not a technical problem today. The radio reporters (although unfortunately this also applies to the TV reporters) talk without ceasing. No scene in the stadium remains uncommented. (Which would be quite possible on TV) Whether the listener is listening to the one game or the conference. To be able to choose that would be a huge step forward.
His article is a wonderful plea for customer orientation, for individualization, for the protection of public service work and therefore worth reading.
So let’s go! Read! Or just
— Read more www.dirkvongehlen.de/sport/das-ende-der-schlusskonferenz-digitale-mai-notizen/
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Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.