Worth reading:

Checklist: 23 questions and answers about email marketing and law



Very helpful checklist on the subject of legal certainty in e-mail marketing

The company artegic (the leading German specialist provider of standard software for real-time marketing automation) has had its checklist on the subject of “Questions and answers on e-mail marketing and law” revised by the renowned law firm Bird&Bird and adapted to the GDPR.

The result is, in our opinion, a very interesting practical aid.

We have reviewed the checklist for you – here is a selection of the 23 questions:

  • To whom can I send marketing emails and newsletters?
  • How can the consent of the recipient be proven in a legally secure manner?
  • Can consent be seen in the handing over of a business card?
  • How long are consents valid?
  • Do consents continue to exist under the old legal situation?
  • Is it allowed to promote approval of the newsletter through competitions or discounts?
  • Can all existing data on the customer – even from different sources – be merged?
  • Can I send e-mails or messages to my contacts from social networks?
  • Can I download the data of my contacts from social networks and enrich my data with it?

It is still precisely the special topics that repeatedly lead to uncertainties among those involved.

Therefore our tip: The checklist is available here free of charge.

Also interesting: Study: Has email marketing benefited from the GDPR?


Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.



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