Worth reading:

How does the accumulation of CRM software solutions in an enterprise evolve?



Many CRM software solutions in companies develop little or not at all over the years.

This is usually less good, because standing still means taking a step backwards, or at least lagging behind the competition. An example can be used to see how the solution can develop.

Here is the development picture

CRM software solutions hardly develop

How can you tell if the number is not too big?

Blissfully has published an exciting study. Here you can see how many SaaS solutions are in use: Incredibly many. In this respect, Scott Brinker’s chart is a positive representation. Unfortunately, reality often looks different. That’s why Scott’s presentation is both a motivation and an invitation to think about it. “What does the current IT software landscape look like in my company?”, “What should it look like?” and “What should it look like in the future so that we are competitive?”.

Why CRM software solutions hardly develop?

This question is not precisely formulated? Because in reality, as always, there are several variants or possibilities.

Variant 1: People like to stick to the status quo

The company is afraid to replace an existing, “mature” system. A replacement, usually of an ERP system, could endanger the annual result. Employees are overwhelmed by the additional workload.


The systems are being used to the point of “no longer being possible” or “to the end of the system’s life”.

Of course, this has a serious disadvantage. Reprogramming or customizing a new system is hardly possible in the first step. We know companies that have to transfer 15 years of development work into the new system. That is hardly possible.

Variant 2: One is constantly looking for new tools

One is innovative. The company tests out a lot and quickly gets a mixed bag in the software landscape.


There is a great risk that some software products are not used in a DSGVO-compliant manner. The CIO does not know what all is in use in his company. Where are over customer data contained? The multitude of tools leads to a confusing patchwork because never all tools are used 100%. Instead, each employee or manager has “his tool”. No one wants standards, because that restricts flexibility.

Conclusion: CRM software solutions hardly develop at all

Neither is a satisfactory state of affairs.

You need an IT big picture in which you aim for a goal. In the process, there are always tire changes or engine replacements on the road. The only important thing is that the whole car should not be renovated at once.

We help to evaluate the current solution, to develop a new solution and then to introduce this successfully.

Image source: chiefmartec


Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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