Worth reading:

This is not CRM: A classic, the annual address for selling



Already laughed today?

Marketing service and selling is different today. Who doesn’t know it, the Muppet show. A lesson in many lectures and seminars. The laughs are guaranteed. The story in the video has an inner thread that the company patriarch gives to the best.

But is selling out now?

No, there is only another way. That is my opinion and the opinion of many colleagues in my network. The short-term and the cold or hard selling, which the good old patriarch propagates unspoken here, is no longer in focus in many companies. OK, due to Corona, bad sales figures and old reflexes could lead to the team being steered in this way again. It’s not just strategic.

The old methods touted in the Muppet show are unlikely to die out. However, the developments in the field of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in recent years speak a different language.

The good relationships with interested parties and customers are the be-all and end-all.

The salt in the soup. Those who are not interested in longer-term relationships will succeed in the short term. The long-term more successful way is certainly to use the methods and tools of CRM in the best possible way.

The employees are burned by such aggressive methods. Whether in the back office or in the field, those who only sell on pressure and commission are quickly in the red area of their performance. Nowadays, sales management is combined with marketing and service measures. Yes, even before the purchase, a service offer for interested parties is possible. And a free service as a taster offer has already convinced many potential customers. Those who argue only with discount will only attract the discount addicts. They then buzz around the offers like moths the light. They just wait like the robbers for opportunities. But faithful, these types of customers will never become.

Marketing service and selling is different today

But how does it work? Only a team from the areas of marketing, service and sales can be successful. It is about the interlinking of activities. In a team you play the balls to each other. As with billiards: One makes the first communicative impulse, but the customer may react on another channel. Then this is not a problem, but perfectly played over gang. This multi-channel communication approach works best when the customer has options. Where and at what time can he best react? It is not the success of the individual channel that is important, but the overall success of the team. The end of the silos, I repeat myself, has been heralded. The leadership must also play along. If the leadership does not master the game of billiards, then you block each other.

Why doesn’t the sales team use the expensive CRM tool?

Very often classic mistakes are made here. Lack of training and training, insufficient address and data quality, the processes for lead management, for quotation preparation and internal coordination are insufficiently supported by the tool or have unnecessary breaking points.

The lack of vision or uncommunicated vision is not a leitmotif for sales. The big picture, i.e. the sausage, the what for, is not clear. But anyone who has ever managed a sales team knows that these wild horses need a certain amount of leadership. Otherwise, they – everyone as he wants – run on their paths. Somehow everyone gets to their destination, but there is more coincidence in the game.

The conclusion to marketing service and selling is different today

Freeing success from chance.

With a few structures, standards, framework conditions and KPIs. Only then does the team run in the same direction. We have described these classic problems and challenges in detail here.


Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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