Worth reading:

Personalization and individualization contribute enormously to value creation – Digital Excellence Study by DDV



An exciting interview with Markus Gräßler and Georg Blum on “Dialogue marketing study proves monetary corporate success”.

It is about the Digital Excellence Study of the DDV. A review of the results of the study can be found here.


The most important result of a study within a web session by Dr. Markus Grässler (Vice President of the German Dialogue Marketing Association DDV e.V.) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann (University of Kassel) showed: Dialogue marketing or good CRM do have an effect on the company’s success.

Why is this so important?

A 2015 article published in the Harvard Business Review points to a study with a surprising result for many:

a) The contribution to the company’s success through brand management decreases. b) The contribution of customer value management is increasing significantly.

Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review – Image source: HBR (As of 23.01.2021)

What contribution does strategic or operational CRM, customer value management or dialogue marketing in connection with CRM currently make?

This is what the German Dialogue Marketing Association e.V. DDV wanted to find out in cooperation with the University of Kassel under the direction of Prof. Andreas Mann.

The goal: to develop a study that

  • shows how to make CRM-relevant investments and their impact on the company’s success measurable
  • can be used easily and industry-independently
  • Requires little time for users
  • provides scientifically sound and practical results
  • provides interesting and comparable results, so that a participant can classify himself in his industry or his industry in comparison with other industries.

The bottom line:
Dialogue marketing study proves monetary corporate success! At least 10/11 %, up to 25 % monetary contribution to the company’s success are quite possible.

Now in detail

A brief outline of the study profile:

In the first step, a working hypothesis was established:

This hypothesis is: Despite all the multicausality, the success of a company is only decisively determined by a few central influencing variables.

Existing scientific results and various contents, which are available to the entire association through its users, agencies, service providers, etc., were also included.

A starting model was then defined. And within secondary research, it was examined whether there were studies with similar or comparable questions.

The result was the “integrative framework model of dialogue excellence”. This model is the basis of the study.

integratives Rahmenmodell Customer excellence
Integrative framework model customer excellence

Survey Profile:

The questionnaire pre-test resulted in 67 valid questionnaires for the evaluation. These were recruited from CRM/Dialog experienced customers of the DV’s Competence Center Agencies. A further submission to 4,000 recipients resulted in another 162 valid questionnaires.

The people who responded came from both B2B and B2C, a broadly diversified mix of industries and the majority of medium-sized companies. The results, according to Andreas Mann, are “absolutely representative”.

Would you like to know more about the study and its details? Then you are welcome to request the PDF from the DDV (info@ddv.de). Alternatively, you can watch the webinar as a video.

The result in a nutshell:

Dialogue marketing has an impact on both “non-monetary” and “monetary” corporate success!

To put it simply, it needs two building blocks that act on a lever.

Dialogue marketing study proves monetary corporate success

The two factors of action can be described as follows:

The first building block consists of the strategic components:

  • Customer-oriented mindset
  • High degree of customer integration within the business processes and at the touchpoints
  • Development of market and customer data
  • The knowledge about the customers

The second module contains the operational and communicative components:

  • Campaigns with multi-channel mix for the respective target group
  • with a creativity that stands out from the crowd
  • Campaign controlling incl. a learning loop

These two building blocks then act on the lever “personalization and individualization”.

As a result, this means that if the components of the two building blocks are used properly, then the lever has an effect on the monetary success of the company with about 11%, according to the study.

One thing is certain, Kirsten Gabriel, Chairman of the Competence Centers Agencies, and Markus Grässler from the DDV agree: more than the 11% is possible.

Whenever a corresponding, professional use of the two building blocks as well as a customer-oriented culture (mindset) is established. This means that if companies deliver noticeable customer excellence for their customers or create an excellent customer experience, then up to 25% impact is easily possible.

What does this mean in practice?

And it also shows that the channel or communication mix is important. This also means that it is time for the walls between the departmental and functional silos to finally be torn down.

The strategic level as well as the operational level unfold their leverage effect in the pivotal point “Personalization and individualization of messages & services & offers” for the respective target persons.

This simple and extremely effective approach leads to both non-monetary (here brand, satisfaction, customer proximity …) and monetary (contribution margin, loyalty, durability, …) Success.

Interesting: for experienced users, it was up to 25%. And in the representative DDV study, it was at least 11%. Very good, but there is still something going on!

So what does a conclusion look like?

It is therefore not about the clumsy collection of data. The intelligent use of data is important. Then data becomes the much-quoted oil, which keeps customer relationships running “as if lubricated”.

As stated at the beginning, according to the current study, about 11% or more effect on the monetary result of the company is possible.

Professional or mature strategies – based on a customer-oriented mindset – easily contribute up to 25%. The dialogue marketing experts Markus Grässler and Kirsten Gabriel as representatives of the DDV – but also we – are sure of this.

The opponents of CRM and dialogue marketing, who mostly come from the camp of classic advertising and the camp of digital purists, are thus taken out of their sails.


So the question is not “whether dialogue marketing”, but only the “how”.

For this purpose, the agencies and service provider companies in the DDV are ready to assist you accordingly. This is how you get more out of your company.


Contact details for the speakers:

Dr Markus Gräßler

Vice President of the DDV

Managing Director of gkk DialogGroup GmbH



Georg Blum

Managing Director of 1A Relations GmbH




Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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