Service quality
Worth reading:

Strategies for more service quality



“Service” and “Quality”

are the magic words that most companies hope will lead to satisfied customers and increased sales and profits.

Today, success depends more than ever on the quality of the service offered. Companies must therefore rethink their strategies and focus on the needs of their customers. A strong service culture is essential in this respect.

Customers today expect more than just a product or service. They want an experience that satisfies their needs on an emotional and social level. Companies that understand this and adapt to it have a clear competitive advantage.

To achieve this, companies need to differentiate their services and transform them into service culture. In doing so, it is important to create a new corporate culture characterized by humility, open-mindedness, a willingness to take risks and the ability to listen. Only in this way can they inspire their customers and retain them in the long term.

Quote Roger Gisi: “A good service provider knows that service is time period related, not time point related.” This sentence is so important because many companies view service as a transaction rather than a benefit to a lasting relationship.

The service process plays a crucial role here and must be constantly optimized. In times of transformation and digitization, this becomes even more important in order to meet customer requirements. Companies that are successful here will survive on the market in the long term and increase their sales and profits.

You can read more about this in the current article “Strategies for more service quality” by Roger Gisi:


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