Kundenorientierung / Japan Railways / Unternehmen / Zufriedenheit/ Mensch und MarTech
Worth reading:

How companies achieve better customer orientation



Customer orientation and customer experience are picking up speed

Customer orientation and customer experience are enormously important and accordingly both topics are given weight again. For example, an article worth reading deals with eight ways to support a customer-oriented corporate culture.

The tips in the article are summarized:

1. Become an Insights-Driven Business

That means listening to customers – investing in people, tools and programs to absorb that feedback and translate it into meaningful insights. Keywords for this are NPS or active listening. We have also sent employees to our customers’ homes or to the company on several occasions. There, on site, the employee understands much better why the customer ticks the way he does.

Insights also means that you merge and evaluate all customer data in an analysis system (keywords are Data Management Platform DMP, Customer Data Platform CDP, Business Intelligence BI) and derive measures.

The more your employees are equipped with good reports and analysis options on an operational level, the better. We led new

2. Appoint or develop business-oriented managers

Experts can help put the insights and customer feedback received in the context of business issues and challenges.

3. Know why customers left

To improve customer loyalty and create the conditions for people’s loyalty, companies need to understand customer loyalty and recognize why their customers are leaving it. “Analyze user behavior data, run more user testing, check with an NPS survey, or just pick up the phone and ask a customer,” the recommendation reads.

We also recommend asking the lost customers directly what their reasons are. The pretended argument is usually the price. But this is only true in the rarest of cases.

4. Take the customer’s perspective

This means slipping into the role of the customer and understanding what expectations he has of products and services, understanding his missions and values.

In another article of ours, we talked about “actors manage to put themselves in the shoes of others”.  The short video by Helmut Schmidt as well as the commentary complement this 4th point excellently.

5. Hire the right people and create the right culture

Even the best measures can only be successful if the company has the right employees and a culture of service and accountability.

Culture does not arise on command and overnight. This is a very slow process that – as in nature – can be accelerated. How? If more than 10% of a herd goes in one direction, then all the others run along. This means that you as the “lead animal” of your company, your management team, but also people from the middle and lower levels must be part of the 10% group. Then culture, dynamism and movement arise.

6. Always be ready for digital change

In order to remain customer-oriented, companies are required to perceive that the digital landscape is constantly changing and that they must constantly adapt.

On the other hand, customer orientation means: as much digital change as possible and only as much as necessary. They don’t go along with all the digital bells and whistles. Because not every target group needs the latest. Often one or two steps slower is enough, but they are mature and geared to the customer’s needs. So if you are oriented towards your customers, you can create the digital transformation “almost like in your sleep”. 🙂

7. Customer orientation as a mission in every department

The goal of this step is to break down silos, work cross-functionally with the customer at the forefront, and ensure that all departments work on a unified customer journey.

You will also find enough other articles on our portal. Our guiding principle is: Function-oriented companies will never be 100% customer-oriented. There is also our postcard.

Reward teams and partners for customer success

If successful, give a small bonus! Celebrate small successes, which motivates and strengthens the culture and the community structure.

Interim conclusion:

Dass Unternehmen bezüglich der Kundenorientierung und der dafür notwendigen gezielten Gestaltung der Customer Experience großen Nachholbedarf haben, geht aus einem weiteren aktuellen Beitrag hervor. Darin heißt es, dass sich die Ansätze der meisten Einzelhändler für Customer Experience (CX)-Initiativen darauf konzentrieren, spezifische Probleme auf einzelnen Kanälen reaktiv zu lösen und nicht die gesamte vernetzte Leistung für ihre Kunden zu verbessern. CX experts often track metrics that indicate, for example, whether the wait time in the call center is less than 90 seconds. This is deceptive, as a study by Capgemini proves. According to the study, 75 percent of companies believe they are customer-oriented, but only 30 percent of consumers agree. According to Forrester Research’s CX Index, less than one percent of brands are considered providers with an excellent customer experience.

Proactively designing the customer experience

To be part of that one percent (according to Forrester), companies would need to rethink CX and move from a reactive approach to a proactive model that focuses on the success of cross-channel customer journeys – as well as providing the customer with a connected and personalized experience. Recommended steps are:

Think about CX initiatives as part of the overall customer brand experience

To achieve this, customer experience experts should network with their fellow marketers to find out how to track customer behavior across all channels and personalize customer experiences.

An overarching strategy to achieve marketing CX integration

It should control every customer interaction in the sense of CX. Holistically, across all channels. No silos. No barriers. The customer feels that he has been understood.

Working out the critical processes and decision points

Create a map with the important processes. Identify where processes cannibalize or hinder each other. Competing targets should also be discovered and eliminated. This is the only way to develop a proactive customer journey strategy.

Refer to the actual behavior of customers

Once companies have defined customer journeys, it’s time to test how customers actually behave. The tip: “Take a look at your data and analyze where the weak points lie – for example, where the customer’s journey ends abruptly or gets out of hand.” Various tools help to detect such problems.

Transition from analysis to action

The aim is to manage customer journeys in such a way that personalization and seamlessness are proactively promoted. Journey management should go beyond measuring current journey activity and establish systems and processes aimed at understanding each customer’s personal goal and running channel systems to support them.

We agree with all of them.

Because we have been propagating it for a long time. “Successful digitalization requires customer orientation.”. The premise is not to participate in “all everything” or immediately everything new, but differentiate. For example, companies can ensure that they do not blindly invest in technology and generate high costs that pay for themselves only slowly, but that the investment correlates with the needs of the target group.

We are of the opinion … Active watching and listening is the basis of customer orientation!

How companies ensure the best CX along the entire customer journey

and you can do so, you can find out here.

Which tools can be used for a staging of the customer journey, we present e.g. in this product portrait. BSI Studio was developed for exactly this purpose and we thought it was so good that we were happy to report on it.


Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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