Women in MarTech
Worth reading:

Women in Top Positions – Women in MarTech



Women in CRM-MarTech Top Positions

Women in top management positions are still rare. Does it need a quota? A topic that is often dismissed “under the hand” or at regulars’ tables with “not necessary” or “who is good also comes to the top”. But “Women in CRM-MarTech top positions” is not yet “well illuminated”.

Especially in areas that have a lot to do with technology or software, it is even less self-evident that women can be found in top positions.

I myself consider the issue to be very important. Not only from the point of view of a quota. But because my experiences have shown one thing again and again: In projects, in discussions, the balance between different types, character traits, perspectives is needed. And that also requires a balance between the sexes.

Women in management positions (not only in technical ones) should become more and more the norm. There are always contributions from various editorial offices and influencers. We also want to make our contribution to this.

Let’s start with a two-part article. On the one hand, we present three top management ladies. In the portal Harpar’s Bazaar a detailed article was dedicated to them.

On the other hand, there is “Women of MarTech”. A portal that focuses on “our” industry in the narrower sense.

Women in CRM-MarTech Top Positions – Three Top Management Ladies Featured in the Harpar’s Bazaar Portal

Harpar’s Bazaar is known to many as a fashion and lifestyle magazine. Recently I found an article during the topic research, in which 3 women from the technology industry are presented in detail.

The title of the article is “All the way to the top: 3 top career women from the tech industry reveal their secrets to success“.

I have read the exciting and entertaining article in its entirety. Then I noticed one thing – rather by chance: The article is sponsored by Accenture. Hardly visible, but a “hidden agenda” on the subject of recruiting from Accenture. One of the protagonists is herself an Accenture employee. But let’s leave it at that little side blow.

Harpar’s Bazaar article focuses on

  1. Victoria Prew, co-founder and CEO of C2C clothing rental platform Hurr
  2. Shaheen Sayed, Head of Technology at Accenture in the UK and Ireland and
  3. Flavilla Fongang, founder of 3 Colours Rule and the non-profit organisation GTA

With all the often sober topics, this article is from the feuilleton section (feuilleton means translated “a leaflet entertaining”). I find this good. Because, as written above, it is important to show one thing: the “masterly management system” is slowly but surely becoming more and more permeable.

All three are very successful women, all worth reading and interesting CVs – in the Harpar’s Bazaar article.

„Woman of MarTech“

In the second topic “Woman of MarTech”, the focus is even more on “our industry”. The key message of the site is “Promoting & Amplifying The Experiences, Contributions, Achievements & Innovations By Women In The Martech Industry”.

„Women Of Martech Members are…

  • Women who work at marketing or technology companies in any capacity
  • Anyone in the martech who is committed to helping amplify women’s achievements
  • Women with the desire to connect, engage, advance and lead our industries forward

These are not exclusively ladies from the management team.

In the category “WOM Success Spotlight” some exciting portraits are listed. E.g.  by Amanda Elam, CMO Bloomreach.

Amanda Elam is the CMO of Bloomreach, a company that “powers the equivalent of more than 25% of commerce experience in the US and UK” through its products, which include search and merchandising tools, a content management system, and a customer data platform (CDP) and marketing automation technology according to its website. But Amanda’s career didn’t start with her as a marketing leader.

It is presented (here only excerpts) with the following highlights:

  1. Surround Yourself With People Who See Your Potential
  2. Prioritize Your Network
  3. Men Can Be Great Mentors, But We Still Need More Women In Leadership Roles
  4. Be Proactive, Demanding & Supportive
  5. Hire For Both Diversity Of Thought & High-Performance Personality Traits
  6. Data & Speed Will Define The Future Of Martech
  7. Don’t Settle For A Company That Doesn’t Prioritize Family
  8. Be Authentic & Celebrate Your Successes

Each of these above headings is filled with exciting content and theses.

Definitely – worthwhile portraits.

And we will report – in loose succession – again and again from this portal. Nevertheless, we are looking for exciting CRM and MarTech ladies in the D-A-CH area. One thing quickly becomes clear: A lengthy search is not necessary: e.g. Anja Stolz board member or CMO of R&V Versicherungen immediately comes to mind. Or Dorothe Gabor Ceo Business Development of LOGO consult AG, CRM provider for logistics companies.

Over 400!! Women at the top level (i.e. top hierarchy level both on the user and provider side) are in our contact person database. In addition, there are more than 350 women who are listed as owners or self-employed.

Have fun reading.


Note: This is a machine translation. It is neither 100% complete nor 100% correct. We can therefore not guarantee the result.


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